Turned off by the same old, same old?
As a government contractor, understanding our government customers, their views, their pain points and visions for the future is critical to success. Our industry’s events today are not conducive for CEOS, EVP’s, SVP’ or VP’s to get direct engagement in a meaningful way with federal officials. They have to hear it through their staff, who equally lack an effective engagement strategy.
FedNet is here to offer a new way. Breaking bread with government and industry peers in a private, close-knit setting—developing relationships the old-fashioned way and opening up channels for better engagement. Better communication lends to better understanding of the agency’s problems, and hence better solutions provided by industry.
Reeba Magulick
Reeba Magulick, Founding Partner of the d8 Group, has spent 17 years developing key government relationships and attending hundreds of industry conferences, networking events and Industry Days.
She learned quickly in her Federal Business Development career that building solid relationships with government and industry is critical to success. Inspired by desire to provide a new solution, she joined forces with Steve Abramowitz, Founder of the CEO Boardroom.

Steve Abramowitz
Steve has built a career and unparalleled network among CEO’s of hundreds of growing and successful businesses. He understands how these leaders think, what their pain points are and the information they require to forge success.
Steve has provided hundreds of dynamic, elegant networking dinner events that have gained an enviable reputation in his community. By bringing his experience together with Reeba’s, a better solution for Federal Networking has emerged: FedNet.